What Type of Software do You Recommend for a Virtual Assistant?

What Type of Software do You Recommend for a Virtual Assistant?

This is a very broad question with a simple answer. It’s going to depend on what specialty services you plan on providing your customers. If you are just starting out you will need to think about what services you want to offer and go from there.

To give you a few ideas of what is meant by a broad topic with a simple answer; look at the different possibilities of software dependant on your specialty. Remember these are just examples and the software you need is going to vary depending on what you choose to offer as services.

One example could be a VA that wants to specialize in graphics. You will need an image editing software such as PhotoShop (http://photoshop.s0ftware-now.com/index.html).

Another example is a VA that will be offering transcription services. You will need software that allows you to play digital audio (MP3 files) if you wish to transcribe these types of files. If you wish to transcribe other files such as audio recorded onto micro or macro cassette tapes, a machine with a foot pedal will be needed.

If you are a VA that would like to specialize in website updating using FrontPage then you will need to have Microsoft FrontPage installed on your computer. You can purchase the software from a place like Amazon.com.

Those are just a few examples of the broad range of different software that could possibly be needed. Again, it’s simply going to depend on the services you choose to specialize in.

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